IEEE Fintdi Conference 2009, Vigo Spain

DISCA at FINTI December 14th 2009, Vigo, Spain.
The DISCA Department attended to the first IEEE Conference on Using New Technologies for Fostering and Innovation in Engineering Education, (FINTDI 2009), which was held in Vigo Spain, December 2010. The main objective of the conference is to disseminate and put together experiences and innovations in engineering education, and to jointly assess the impact of new educational approaches, having in mind that innovation and quality should always go together. The work presented in the conference was part of the PhD work of Mr. Jose V. Benlloch Dualde. The event took place in Vigo University and it was broadcast live through Internet.
You can see some snaps of the event at Picasa:
Posted: diciembre 17th, 2009 under Teaching & Research.