GRC and TeSo deployed RuralNet in Mozambique
In August 2008, the GRC in collaboration with the ONG Telecomunicaciones Solidarias (Teso), and under a project supported by the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, successfully deployed their system called RuralNet in the city of Nacala in Mozambique. Victor García and Borja Roig traveled to Mozambique and stayed there for two months for instruction and technical support. The system connected several schools of the Misión Vicentina of Nacala, offering them with Internet access through wireless technology. The experience was a complete success and the system is still completely functional.
The general purpose of RuralNet is to strengthen Internet support in rural and developing environments through wireless technologies. The system also allows mobile users with the ability to access Internet applications on the move. Rather than creating a new wireless technology, the major challenge has been to demonstrate the practicality of designing and building a system that, by combing existing wireless networks paradigms, is able to reach distant areas at a low cost, while offering a wide range of telecommunication services and applications.
More information of RuralNet is available at:

Deployment of RuralNet in the city of Nacala, Mozambique. August 2008.
Posted: marzo 6th, 2010 under Teaching & Research.