A Seminar about MANET at the Universidad Pontificia de Madrid
On June 30th I taught a seminar on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks at the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas in Madrid. It was a very nice two days experience in Madrid enjoying Madrid Downtown, «Tapas», and attending as a member of the tribunal who evaluated the PhD Thesis of David Contreras entitled: “Análisis y optimización del rendimiento en piconets bluetooth para tráfico con requisitos de calidad “

The Temple of Debod, Madrid. June 30th 2010. The temple of Debod is an original Egyptian structure dating from 2200 years ago, which was dedicated to the cult of the gods Amun and Isis. It was donated to Spain by the Egyptian government in 1968, as a token of Egypt’s gratitude for the assistance Spain provided in rescuing the temples of Abu Simbel, in Nubia.
Posted: julio 7th, 2010 under Teaching & Research.