GRC organized a Seminar on Research and development of the motor industry in Spain. January 21st 2011.
January 21st 2011, Francisco Martínez organized in Teruel a seminar on research and development of the motor industry in Spain, and the role of the Aragon region. The seminar was presided by Alexia Sanz, Research Rector of the Campus of Teruel. The conference invited speakers were: (1) Carlos Hernanz. Director of the Foundation Antonio Gargallo, (2) Pietro Manzoni, Director of the Computer Networking Group of the Technical University of Valencia, (3) Juan José Alba, VEHIVIAL Group Director of the University of Zaragoza, (4) Daniel Urquizu. Managing Director of Motorland Aragón, and (5) Oscar Cisneros, Accidents Research coordinator of the Centro Zaragoza research institute.

RoundTable on challeges and opportunities of the motor industry.
The conference ended with the Roundtable on research challenges and opportunities of the motor industry, moderated by prof. Juan-Carlos Cano.
More info at:;
Posted: enero 23rd, 2011 under Teaching & Research.