European Doctoral Thesis of Juan Jose Gálvez, University of Murcia
Last October 28th I took part of the Committee who evaluated the PhD thesis of Juan Jose Gálvez from Murcia University in Spain. The thesis entitled “Throughput optimization of Multi-hop Wireless Networks through interference-aware load balancing” deals with the optimization of throughput in Multi-hop Wireless Networks (MWNs) which is an important topic currently being studied by the scientific community. These networks represent a promising technology for numerous applications, and several types of MWN are presently being studied and deployed. The thesis addresses the important problem of load balancing to maximize network utilization and improve flow throughput and fairness.
Based on the quality and significant contributions made by the thesis developed by Juan José Gálvez García, the committee graded the Thesis with the maximum grade of “CUM LAUDE”. Congratulations Juan Jose!!
I had the opportunity to meet again my colleagues Pedro Ruiz and Antonio Skarmeta, as well as enjoying the gastronomic delicatessen of the region of Murcia visiting the “Torre de Zoco” restaurant.

In Torre de Zoco Restaurant with my colleague Pedro Ruiz, October 28th 2011.
Posted: noviembre 1st, 2011 under Uncategorized.