Cano's Family participated in "Vuelta a la Peña San Blas" race in Elche de la Sierra, Albacete. (feb 4th, 2012)
Andrea, Vanesa and her daddy participated in the «Vuelta a la Peña San Blas» race. The run consisted of 250 meters run for kids and 14.400 meters around the San Blas mountain for adults. Andrea won the second place in Kids D category and Vanesa won the first place in Kids B category. Her daddy … number 508 in 1h 17min 48 sec (5min26sec pace). It was a great day in Elche de la Sierra, my home town. Mum acted as supporter and reporter.

Andrea and Vanesa receiving their trophy. Congratulations sweets!
Posted: febrero 9th, 2012 under Family.