Thesis of Jesus Llor, Miguel Hernandez University, Elche de Alicante.
May 11th I took part of the Committee who evaluated the PhD thesis of Jesus Llor from Miguel Hernandez University in Spain. The thesis entitled “Realistic Acoustic Prediction Models to Efficiently Design Higher Layer Protocols in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks” The thesis addresses the important problem of predicting the acoustic signal attenuation efficiently, and reducing the needed time to perform realistic simulations.
Based on the quality and significant contributions made by the thesis developed by Jesus Llor the committee graded the Thesis with the maximum grade of “CUM LAUDE”. Congratulations Jesus!!
I had the opportunity to meet my colleagues Mel and Francisco as well as enjoying “El Huerto del Cura” hotel and the gastronomic delicatessen of Elche de Alicante.

Jesus Llor Thesis, May 11th 2012.
Posted: mayo 14th, 2012 under Teaching & Research.