The GRC Group organized the 6th Edition of the IEEE/IFIP Wireless Days 2013 Conference in Valencia, Spain
Juan-Carlos Cano, The General Chair of Wireless Days 2013, headed the organization of the 6th IFIP/IEEE Wireless Days Conference (WDays 2013) which took place in the beautiful city of Valencia, Spain, November 13th -15th.

Wireless Days Opening Session. With D. Francisco Mora the Rector of the UPV and Carlos Calafate, TPC Chair.
The WD’13 Technical Program Committee received 184 technical paper submissions from 30 different countries: Algeria, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Korea, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, Portugal, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, USA, and Venezuela. From these 184 submissions, 63 full papers were selected for presentation at the 2013 edition in Valencia. The overall acceptance ratio was 34.24%.
The conference featured five distinguished keynote speakers that are international leaders and pioneers in their respective research areas, both from academia and industry. Prof. C-K. Toh, Honor Chair Professor in Tsinghua University, Dr. Lukas Kencl, Director of the CTU-Ericsson-Vodafone Research and Development Centre in Prague; Prof. Laura Marie Feeney, researcher at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Dr. David Gascón, Libelium’s Co-Founder and Chief Technical Officer, and finally Dr. John Baekelmans, Chief Technology Officer for Cisco.
Last but not least, the conference committee has also prepared an exciting social program with the aim of making your stay in the city of Valencia more enjoyable.
Alog the conference, WD’2013 got the attention from the media appearing in TV as well as national newspapers such as El Mundo and El Levante. Here you can see the UPV-TV document ...
Our program would not have been possible without the dedicated efforts of the entire WD’13 Technical Program Committee. We are most grateful to the track co-chairs, TPC members, and the reviewers who worked so hard to complete the peer-review process on schedule. We also thank IFIP and IEEE for their technical sponsorship, which, without any doubt, improve the reputation of this conference. We are very grateful to our sponsors and supporting institutions, especially the Universitat Politècnica de València, for all the support provided.
Finally, we are sincerely grateful to all authors who submitted their manuscripts to WD’13. We hope that the whole program will be interesting and stimulating to you all.
The Conference was inaugurated by D. Francisco Mora, The Rector of the Universitat Politécnica de Valencia, and at the closing ceremony the Steering Committee announced next edition of Wireless Days Conference, taking place in Rio de Janeiro Brasil.
Some more snaps from the Conference are available here …
Posted: noviembre 17th, 2013 under Teaching & Research.