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marzo 2025



Archive for 'Family'

Andrea gana el 1er premio Belenes 4º Primaria

Andrea ha ganado el primer premio de Belenes organizado por la Asociación de Padres del Colegio La anunciación con un Belen muy, pero que muy original (idea de la mama diseño de Andrea). Enhorabuena Andrea!!!

Concierto de Navidad, Coro Divertimento, La Anunciación.

Andrea participó como años anteriores en el Concierto de Navidad del Coro Divertimento del Colegio La Anunciación. El Coro interpreto un divertido repertorio donde Andrea fue una de las Solistas de la canción “Hoy he visto una estrella”. Bajo la dirección de David y Nuria interpretaron las siguientes canciones: L’altra nit de Nadal Hoy he […]

Andrea participa en el XIII Open Internacional de Karate FEUAM

El 1 de diciembre de 2012 Andrea participo en el Open Internacional de Karate de la Federación Española Unificada de Artes marciales (FEUAM) que este año se celebro en la ciudad de Torrente. Andrea Participó en la competición de Katas individual y por equipos y en Kumite o combate. Además de pasarlo genial con todos […]

Karate, Comunidad Valenciana Championship, May 12th, 2012

Andrea has obtained the second position in Katas in the category of eight and nine years mixed of the Comunidad Valenciana Karate championship, which was held in the city of Alberic, May 12th , 2012. Congratulation my dear cute Andrea!

Spanish football league, Levante 3 – Bilbao 0

Sunday 13th  2012, Andrea and dad enjoyed with Levante during the last match of the 2012 championship. It was great since next year Levante will play in the Europe League. At the end of the match all the supporters when into the field to celebrate the brilliant  championship.

UEFA Champion League. Valencia 1 – Stoke City 0

Thursday 23 February 2012, Andrea, Vanesa and dad enjoyed with Valencia football club in Mestalla.  Valencia completed the task of getting through to the next phase in the UEFA champion League. We enjoyed so much with our team. It was a great day!!!. Now we want Manchester United!

Cano's Family participated in "Vuelta a la Peña San Blas" race in Elche de la Sierra, Albacete. (feb 4th, 2012)

Andrea, Vanesa and her daddy participated in the «Vuelta a la Peña San Blas» race. The run consisted of 250 meters run for kids and 14.400 meters around the San Blas mountain for adults. Andrea won the second place in Kids D category and Vanesa won the first place in Kids B category. Her daddy […]

Andrea won the first prize of nativity scenes

Andrea has received the first prize for her Nativity scene. The nativity scene received the first prize in the category of third and four grade of primary school at «La Anunciación» in Valencia. The jury rewarded the originality of the design. Congratulations to Andrea and her assistants Vanesa and Mum. Andrea has received the first […]

Corpus Christi 2011 in Elche de la Sierra

The holiday of sawdust carpets in Elche de la Sierra is part of the celebrations of Corpus Christi. Its origin dates back to 1964, and it was an initiative of Don Francisco Fernández Carcelén. This holiday was declared of Regional Tourist Interest on March 28, 1994. The streets that form the route of the procession […]

Karate, Comunidad Valenciana Championship, June 4th, 2011

Andrea has obtained the third position in Katas and second position Kumite in the category up to eight year of the Comunidad Valenciana Karate championship, which was held in the city of Alberic, june 4th, 2011. Congratulation my dear cute Andrea!