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marzo 2025



Archive for 'Teaching & Research'

Música y 5G para las carreteras del futuro!!

Un equipo de investigadores de la Universitat Politècnica de València , la Universidad de Zaragoza , el Centro Universitario de la Defensa y la Universidad Nacional de Taiwán han diseñado un abanico de innovaciones que van a revolucionar la manera de desplazarse//Innovaciones aplicadas en las carreteras que en un futuro podrán crear música para advertir […]

PhD. D. Sergio Martínez defended his Thesis with honors at the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, Spain.

July 4th, 2016 D. Sergio Martínez defended his PhD. entitled “Delay Tolerant Networks for Effocient Information Harvesting and Distribution in Intelligent Transportation Systems” The PhD. was supervised by professors Juan Carlos Cano and Pietro Manzoni (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia), and it was graded with Cum Laude. It was a pleasure to meet my good friend Prof. Joel […]

PhD. D. Ali Balador defended his Thesis with honors at the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, Spain.

March 7th, 2016 D. Ali Balador defended his PhD. entitled “Design and Evaluation of Efficient Medium Access Control Solutions for Vehicular Environments” The PhD. was supervised by professors Juan Carlos Cano and Carlos Calafate (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia), and it was graded with Cum Laude. It was a pleasure to meet my good friend Prof. Peppino […]

PhD. D. Francisco Rodríguez defended his Thesis with honors at the UPV

February 4th, 2016 D. Francisco Rodríguez Ballester defended his PhD. entitled “Detección concurrente de errores en el flujo de ejecución de un procesador.” The PhD. was supervised by professor Juan Jose Serrano. It was a pleasure to share the evaluation committee with professors Antonio Pérez Ambite (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) and Anton Civite (Universidad de Sevilla). […]

PhD. D. Estrella Gárcía defended his Thesis with honors at the Universidad Carlos III, Madrid

January 26th, 2016 Dña. Estrella García defended his PhD. entitled “Schemes for Multi-Hop Dissemination of Non-Safety Information in VANETs”. The PhD. was supervised by professor D. Celeste Campos, and I acted as the President of the Committee. It was a pleasure to share the evaluation committee with professors Florina Almenares (Universidad Carlos III) and Jose […]

PhD. D. Jose Manuel Cano defended his Thesis with honors at the Universidad de Málaga

January 22th, 2016 i was visiting Malaga to support my PhD student,  D. Jose Manuel Cano (assistant professor at Malaga University) who defended with honors his PhD. entitled “Evaluación de Tecnologías Inalámbricas de Área Personal” The PhD. was supervised together with Eva Gonzalez Parada. It was a pleasure to visit again Malaga meeting there some […]

PhD. D. Luis José Saiz Adalid defended his Thesis with honors at the Universitat Politècnica de València

December 18th, 2015 D. Luis José Saiz defended his PhD. entitled “Fallos intermitentes: análisis de causas y efectos, nuevos modelos de fallos y técnicas de mitigación” The PhD. was supervised by professors Pedro Gil, Juan Calos Baraza, and Joaquín Gracia and Juan Carlos Cano acted as the President of the Committee. It was a pleasure […]

Juan Carlos Cano @ Gestiona Radio

Last November, 30th, Juan Carlos Cano was invited by Javier Peris at Gestiona Radio to speak about Technology and Science in his radio program tecnologiaysentidocomun.com. It was a pleasure to share nearly two hours with such a profesional team!  

Juan-Carlos Cano and Subhadeep Patra attended to the LCN 2015 Conference in ClearWater Beach, Florida, USA

October 26th – 29th, 2015, Prof. Juan-Carlos Cano and PhD. Student Subhadeep Patra attended to the LCN 2015 Conference, which was held in the beautiful city of ClearWater Beach, Florida. At the Conference we presented a Paper at the main LCN track as well as a Demo related to our Overtaking EYE application developed by […]

Juan Carlos Cano appointed as a new member of the IFIP Working Group 6.8

Juan-Carlos Cano has been appointed as a new member of the IFIP Working Group 6.8, Mobile and Wireless Communications, which aims is to help in the research, development, design, standardisation and applications for mobile and wireless modules, equipment and systems. The group will also organise and promote the exchange of information on wireless communication systems and networks. […]