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Archive for 'Teaching & Research'

The GRC Group attended to the XXVI Jornadas de Paralelismo in Córdoba, September 2015

The GRC Group attended to the “Jornadas de Paralelismo 2015”, which took place in Cordoba. As every year we enjoyed quite a lot with our young but promising research students, and meeting with colleagues form others Spanish University. Our group presented our last research finding under the Smart@CarPhone project related to the area of Intelligent […]

PhD. D. Pablo Piñol defended his Thesis with honors at the Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Elche, Spain.

September 11th, 2015 D. Pablo Piñol defended his PhD. entitled “Robust Video Streaming over Vehicular Networks” The PhD. was supervised by professors Manuel Pérez and Otoniel López and Juan Carlos Cano acted as the President of the Committee. It was a pleasure to share the evaluation committee with professors Francisco Martínez (Zaragoza), Jose Luis Martínez […]

The GRC Group attended to the IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) in Las Vegas, EEUU.

Juan-Carlos Cano and Francisco Martinez attended to the IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference 2015 Conference, which was held in the outstanding city of Las Vegas, in particular at the world famous Ballys Hotel in the heart of the Strip. It was a super Conference, not only the perfect organization but also the venue and […]

The GRC Group attended to the Wireless Days Conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

Juan-Carlos Cano and Miguel Báguena (PhD Student) attended to the Wireless Days 2014 Conference, which was held in the outstanding  city of Rio de Janeiro, in particular at the world famous Copacabana beach. At the Conference we presented two papers at the main conference.  It is really refreshing to attend a conference with students from […]

The GRC Group attended to the XXV Jornadas de Paralelismo in Valladolid.

The GRC Group attended to the “Jornadas de Paralelismo 2014”, which took place in Valladolid. As every year we enjoyed quite a lot with our young but promising research students, and meeting with colleagues form others Spanish University. Our group presented our last research finding under the Walkie Talkie project related to the area of […]

PhD. D. Javier Barrachina Villalba defended his Thesis with honors at the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, Spain.

July 8th, 2014 D. Javier Barrachina defended his PhD. entitled “Using Ontologies and Intelligent Systems for Traffic Accident Assistance in Vehicular Environments” The PhD. was supervised by professors Piedad Garrido (University of Zaragoza) and Juan Carlos Cano (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia), and it was graded with Cum Laude. It was a pleasure to meet my […]

PhD. D. Jose Vicente Benlloch Dualde defended his Thesis with honors at the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, Spain.

June 6th, 2014 D. Jose Vicente Benlloch Dualde defended his PhD. entitled “Propuesta Metodológica para el uso de las Tecnologías de Tinta Digital en los Procesos Formativos del Ámbito de la Educación Superior” The PhD. was supervised by professors Felix Buendía and Juan Carlos Cano, and it was graded with Cum Laude. It was a […]

PhD. D. Julio Sanguesa defended his Thesis with honors at the University of Zaragoza in Teruel, Spain.

April 11th, 2014 I was invited to be one of the committee members evaluating the thesis of Julio Sanguesa at University of Zaragoza in Teruel. The PhD entitled “Adaptive Mechanisms to Improve Message Dissemination in Vehicular Networks”, supervised by professors Piedad Garrido and Francisco Martínez, was graded with Cum Laude. I had the opportunity to […]

Juan-Carlos Cano and Alvaro Torres attended to the WCNC 2014 Conference in Istanbul, Turkey

April 5th – 10th, 2014, Juan-Carlos Cano and Alvaro Torres (PhD Student) attended to the WCNC 2014 Conference, which was held in the beautiful city of Istambul. At the Conference they presented 2 papers at the main conference.  It is really refreshing to attend a conference with students from whom one always can enjoy, teach […]

PhD. Dña. Karen Miranda defended his Thesis with honors at the University Lille 1 and Inria in France.

December 10th, 2013 I was invited to be one of the committee members evaluating the thesis of Karen Miranda at Lille University in France. The PhD entitled “adaptive Self-Deployment Algorithms for Mobile Wireless Substitution Networks”, supervised by professors Tahiry Razafindralambo and David Simplot Ryl proposed a novel algorithm to deploy mobile routers creating a mesh […]