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marzo 2025



Archive for 'Teaching & Research'

Juan Carlos Cano, nuevo Director del DISCA 2012-2016

Hola a todos, En mi nombre y en el de todo mi equipo, queremos agradecer a todo el Departamento DISCA de la UPV, la confianza que han depositado en nosotros y en nuestro programa. Daremos lo mejor de nosotros para que, trabajando “codo con codo” con todos los miembros del DISCA, podamos seguir manteniendo el prestigio […]

Juan Carlos Cano, Candidato a Director del DISCA 2012-16.

Hola a todos, Os quiero informar personalmente que he presentado mi candidatura oficial a Director del Departamento de Informática de Sistemas y Computadores (DISCA) de la Universitat Politècnica de València. En base a la experiencia adquirida como Secretario del Departamento en los últimos años, tengo  la convicción personal de estar plenamente capacitado para liderar las […]

PhD. Francisco Martinez, received the PhD prize 2011 to the best PhD Thesis at the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia

May 15th 2012, the committee who evaluated the best PhD Thesis at the UPV in 2011, awarded PhD. Francisco Martinez with the prize to the best PhD Thesis by his thesis entitled “Improving Vehicular Ad Hoc Network Protocols to Support Safety Applications in Realistic Scenarios”. Currently, Dr. Francisco Martinez holds an Associate Professor Position at […]

Thesis of Jesus Llor, Miguel Hernandez University, Elche de Alicante.

May 11th I took part of the Committee who evaluated the PhD thesis of Jesus Llor from Miguel Hernandez University in Spain. The thesis entitled “Realistic Acoustic Prediction Models to Efficiently Design Higher Layer Protocols in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks” The thesis addresses the important problem of predicting the acoustic signal attenuation efficiently, and reducing […]

Attending to the IEEE WCNC 2012 Conference, Paris, France, April 2012

I attended to the2012 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2012), which took place at the Palais de Congrès in the magnificent city of Paris. I acceded to my Hotel located near the Arc de Triomphe by RER, the most convenient way to reach Paris Downtown from Charles the Gaulle Airport. Here you can […]

Doctoral Thesis of D. Francisco González, University of Malaga

Last March 6th I took part of the Committee who evaluated the PhD thesis of Francisco González from Málaga University in Spain, which was supervised by my friend and colleague Prof. Eduardo Casilari. The thesis entitled “Estudio y Mejora de los Mecanismos de Cache en Redes Inalámbricas Ad Hoc” deals with the optimization of cache mechanism […]

A Christmas present from my students:)

I am proud of all my students, but some of them are really good students, nice persons, and GREAT FARMERS:)! I want to share with you a Christmas present:) one of them offered to me few days ago. Aren’t they SUPERB!!!. In fact, Jesus, my student has recently implemented a web site for selling fresh […]

Best Student Paper Award at IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications.

The GRC group received the Best Student Paper Award at the IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications 2011, which took place in Boston, USA in August 2011. The work entitled “PAWDS: A Roadmap Profile-driven Adaptive System for Alert Dissemination in VANETs “was done by the student Manuel Fogue as part of his PHD. […]

Juan Carlos Cano attended MASCOTS Conference 2011 in Singapore, 25 July 2011.

During the last week of July 2011 I was attending MASCOTS conference. Sponsored by IEEE and in technical cooperation with the ACM SIGSIM, it is a well-established forum for state-of-the-art research on the measurement, modeling, and performance analysis of computer systems and networks. The 19th edition of this conference took place July 25-27, 2011 in […]

JENUI 2011 in Seville, just superb!

Juan-Carlos Cano attended to the XVII edition of the JENUI Conference on Teaching Computer Engineering in Universities degrees in Spain. JENUI 2011 was held in Seville, Spain July 2011. The main objective of the conference is to disseminate and put together experiences and innovations in teaching Computer Engineering by Spanish Universities. All the JENUI attendees […]