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marzo 2025



Archive for 'Teaching & Research'

Teaching at Malaga University, June 2011

During the week from 6 to June 10, 2011, I gave the fourth edition of a ten-hour workshop on Ad Hoc Wireless Networks in the Official Master in Telecommunications Technology at the Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering of the University of Malaga, Teatinos Campus. The workshop was funded by the Ministry of Education and […]

Juan-Carlos Cano attended the 12th IEEE WoWMoM Conference, June 2011

June 2011, I attended the 12th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks WoWMoM 2011, which was held in Lucca, Italy, from June 20-23, 2011. My first stop was in Pisa, where I flew directly from Valencia in a low cost fly (50 € roundtrip ticket) and where I spend […]

IFIF Networking 2011, 9-13 May 2011.

The GRC and the WARG groups of the Computer Engineering Department at the Universitat Politècnica de València have organized the 10th IFIF Networking Conference which took place at the beautiful city of Valencia, May 9th to 13th. More information at http://networking2011.org. The Conference was sponsored by the IFIP Technical Committee on Communication Systems.

IEEE Fintdi 2011 Conference, Teruel, Spain.

The GRC and the DISCA Department attended to the second IEEE Conference on Using New Technologies for Fostering and Innovation in Engineering Education, (FINTDI 2011), which was held in Teruel, Spain, May 2011, and was broadcast live through Internet. We enjoyed Teruel architecture and gastronomy, and it was great to meet Paco as well as […]

Jorge Graduated with Honor, Cum Laude

February 11th 2011, Jorge Hortelago graduated with honor, Cum laude, after defending his Phd entitled “Design and Implementation of Architectures for the Deployment of Secure Community Wireless Networks”. The evaluation committee remarked the social impact of Jorge’s research especially in the developing world which is helping to reduce the digital divide.

GRC organized a Seminar on Research and development of the motor industry in Spain. January 21st 2011.

January 21st 2011, Francisco Martínez organized in Teruel a seminar on research and development of the motor industry in Spain, and the role of the Aragon region. The seminar was presided by Alexia Sanz, Research Rector of the Campus of Teruel. The conference invited speakers were: (1) Carlos Hernanz. Director of the Foundation Antonio Gargallo, […]

Paco Graduated with Honor, Cum Laude

December 17th 2010, Francisco Martinez, a member of the GRC group graduated with honor, Cum laude, after defending his Phd entitled “Improving Vehicular ad hoc Network Protocols to Support Safety Applications in Realistic Scenarios”. Paco’s works was supervised by Prof. Juan-Carlos Cano and Prof. Carlos T. Calafate.

UPV Consejo Social awards 2010: X Edition

December 9th 2010, the Consejo Social of the UPV delivers the 2010 awards in its 10th edition. It includes the best student awards, the best master program, the best’s doctoral thesis, industry recognition as well as the distinguished teaching award, where seven professors including Juan Carlos Cano and Jose Vicente Benlloch, from the DISCA Department […]

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia – BANCAJA Prizes 2010

The Bancaja-UPV Joint Committee has granted 131 awards to the best final projects in enterprises run by cooperative educational programs during the 2009-2010 academic year. A total of 764 universities and 528 companies took part in this thirteenth edition. The ceremony of UPV-Bancaja Prizes will be on Wednesday December 1st at 12 pm in the auditorium […]

Malaga University, Attending to a PhD tribunal, November 2010

November 4th, 2010 I visited Malaga University, where I acted as a member of the tribunal who evaluated the PhD Thesis of D. Jose Rafael Luque entitled: “Modelado del retardo de transmisión Bluetooth 2.0+EDR». I enjoyed visiting Malaga again having the opportunity to meet some colleagues and enjoying Malaga’s gastronomy. It was a pleasure to […]