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Archive for 'Uncategorized'

Walkie Talkie Project: Coordination Meeting in Valencia

January 17th 2013 took place the first coordination meeting of 2013 related to the activities involved within the Walkie Talkie project. In the project, sponsored by the «Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad» are involved three different Universities from Spain: Universitat Politècnica de València, Universidad Miguel Hernández and Universidad de Murcia. The project is lead by […]

ETSInf. Graduación 2011-2012

El pasado viernes 21 de diciembre tuvo lugar el acto de graduación de los nuevos Ingenieros Informáticos por la UPV. Fue un auténtico placer y muy emotivo estar junto a algunos de mis antiguos alumnos. Os deseo lo mejor!, y ya sabeis donde esatré para cualquier cosa que pudiéseis necesitar. Un abrazo y ENHORABUENA!

Merry Christmas to all off You!

We wish you Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year (2013:))! Cheers!

PhD. D. Joan Lluis ferrer i Pérez, Graduated with honors at the Universitat Politècnica de València

December 11th, 2012 I took part of the committee who evaluated the PhD thesis of Joan Lluis Ferrer i Pérez, which was supervised by professors D. Pedro López, D. Antonio Robles and Dña. Elvira Baydal. The thesis entitled  “Design of Efficient Packet Marking-based Congestion Management Techniques for Cluster Interconnects”, was masterfully defended by the candidate […]

The GRC Group attended to the IFIP/IEEE Wireless Days Conference in Dublin

Juan-Carlos Cano and Pietro Manzoni from the GRC group attended to Wireless Days Coference 2012, which was held in the beautiful city of Dublin, Irland.  They presented four different papers at the Conference dealing with several aspect related to Vehicular Networks under the Walkie-Talkie project. In addition, during the Gala Dinner we presented the next […]

Ph.D. D. Rubén Sarabia, Graduated with honors at the Universitat d’Alacant

Today, November 9th, 2012 I took part of the committee who evaluated the PhD thesis of Rubén Sarabria, which was supervised by best friend professor Antonio Jimeno and Professor Rafael Molina. The thesis entitled  “Modelo Morfológico Determinista. Aplicación para el Diseño y la Fabricación Asistidos por Ordenador” represents a clear advance over the traditional CAD/CAM […]

The GRC Group Attended to the “Jornadas de Paralelismo” 2012 in Elche de Alicante, Spain.

The GRC group attended to the XXIII edition of the Jornadas de Paralelismo which took place in the Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Alicante in Spain. We enjoyed the conference, the city, having fun with our colleagues from Elche as well as the “De 10 discotheque” and the “Huerto del Cura” Impressive Gala Dinner! Congratulations to the […]

Jose (Dr. Cano:)) Graduated with Honor, Cum Laude

January 27th 2012, Jose Cano graduated with honor, Cum laude, after defending his Phd entitled “Integrated Architecture for Configuration and Service Management in MANET Environments”. The evaluation committee remarked the real development done in his work. Some of the results of his Thesis were published in the prestigious IEEE Communications Magazine. Congratulations Jose!

European Doctoral Thesis of Juan Jose Gálvez, University of Murcia

Last October 28th I took part of the Committee who evaluated the PhD thesis of Juan Jose Gálvez from Murcia University in Spain. The thesis entitled “Throughput optimization of Multi-hop Wireless Networks through interference-aware load balancing” deals with the optimization of throughput in Multi-hop Wireless Networks (MWNs) which is an important topic currently being studied […]

Attending to the IFIP Wireless Days 2011, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. October 2011

I attended to the 4th IFIP Wireless Days which took place at the Embassy Suites Niagara Falls Fallsview Hotel, located 100 yards from the brink of beautiful Niagara Falls in Canada. I arrived Saturday afternoon at Toronto international airport, and I stayed my first night at Radisson Suite Toronto airport Hotel, a very convenient hotel […]