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marzo 2025



Archive for 'Teaching & Research'

The GRC Group organized the 6th Edition of the IEEE/IFIP Wireless Days 2013 Conference in Valencia, Spain

Juan-Carlos Cano, The General Chair of Wireless Days 2013, headed the organization of the 6th IFIP/IEEE Wireless Days Conference (WDays 2013) which took place in the beautiful city of Valencia, Spain, November 13th -15th. The WD’13 Technical Program Committee received 184 technical paper submissions from 30 different countries: Algeria, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Egypt, Finland, France, […]

Walkie Talkie Project: Coordination Meeting in Valencia (2nd year)

November 12th 2013 took place the second year coordination meeting related to the activities involved within the Walkie Talkie project. In the project, sponsored by the «Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad» are involved three different Universities from Spain: Universitat Politècnica de València, Universidad Miguel Hernández and Universidad de Murcia. The project is lead by professors Juan-Carlos […]

Juan-Carlos Cano and Francisco Martínez attended to the MSWIM 2013 Conference in Barcelona, Spain

November 3st – 8th, 2013, Juan-Carlos Cano attended to the MSWIM 2013 Conference, which was held in the beautiful city of Barcelona. At the Conference Juan Carlos and Francisco Martínez from the GRC group presented 2 papers at the main conference and a paper at the DIVANET workshop. In addition, Juan-Carlos Cano was the General […]

Juan-Carlos Cano attended to the LCN 2013 Conference in Sydney, Australia

October 28th – 24th, 2013, Juan-Carlos Cano attended to the LCN 2013 Conference Conference, which was held in the beautiful city of Sydney. At the Conference Juan Carlos presented a Paper and a poster at the main LCN track as well as a Demo related to the DrivingStyle application developed at the GRC group. It […]

PhD. D. Manuel Serrat defended his Thesis with honors at the Universitat Politècnica de València.

September 27th, 2013 Manuel Serrat defended his PhD thesis entitled “COOPERATION TECHNIQUES TO IMPROVE PEER-TO-PEER WIRELESS NETWORKS SECURITY”. The thesis, supervised by professors D. Enrique Hernandez and D. Juan Carlos Cano, proposes a novel analytical model to improve selfishness detection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. After the defense we enjoyed a magnificent lunch at the […]

The GRC attended to the 2013 «Jornadas de Paralelismo» in Madrid.

The GRC Group attended to the “Jornadas de Paralelismo 2013”, which took place under the umbrella of «Congreso Español de Informática CEDI«, in Madrid. As every year we enjoyed quite a lot with our young but promising research students, and meeting with colleagues form others Spanish University. Our group presented our last research finding under […]

PhD. D. Francisco Alberto Rodríguez defended his Thesis at the Universidad Miguel Hernández.

July 24th, 2013 I took part of the committee who evaluated the PhD thesis of D. Francisco Alberto Rodríguez, supervised by professor D. Javier Gozálvez, the thesis entitled “Técnicas de reputación para redes de comunicaciones inalámbricas multi-salto” which deal with improvement of selfishness behavior in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks when connected to future 4G cellular […]

PhD. Dña. Mónica Serrano defended his Thesis at the Universitat Politècnica de València.

July 18th, 2013 I took part of the committee who evaluated the PhD thesis of Dña. Mónica Serrano supervised by professors D. Julio Sahuquillo and D. Houcine Hassan. The thesis entitled  “Scheduling Local and Remote Memory in Cluster Computers” proposed several mechanisms to improve memory scheduling in Cluster Computers. Congratulations Mónica!. After the defense we […]

PhD. D. Ivan Lequerica defended his Thesis at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

July 16th, 2013 I took part of the committee who evaluated the PhD thesis of D. Ivan Lequerica, supervised by professors D. Pedro Ruiz and D. Carlos Miguel Nieto. The thesis entitled  “VISIONS “Vehicular communication Improvement: Solution based on IMS Operational Nodes and Services” was masterfully defended by the candidate and the techniques there proposed […]

The GRC Group attended to the ADHOC-NOW 2013 Conference in Wroclaw Poland.

Juan-Carlos Cano attended to the AdhocNow 2013 Conference, which was held in the historical and beautiful city of Wroclaw, in Poland. I presented a paper dealing with traffic density estimation in urban areas under the Walkie-Talkie project. I Enjoyed the Conference, the city, and of course the Poland Ice-cream and the Tyskie Beer! Having a Beer […]